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Chat with Sam and Jess – our Vince Fontaine and Ms Lynch


Samuel and Jess are both very passionate performers, and they will be playing the important roles of: WAXX radio host, Vince Fontaine, and Rydell High Principal, Ms Lynch.


Samuel Munday is a Year 13 drama student and our performing arts prefect for 2018. He is very passionate about the performing arts. And having taken drama since Year 9, we couldn’t have had a more perfect student to play the main brain, Vince Fontaine.


Sam tells us, “The role I am playing is Vince Fontaine, who is a disc jockey for the radio station WAXX, he is also the host for the prom scene. I was quite excited when they announced my role, as I’ve never been involved in a production of this scale before. Especially as a lead role. The reason I auditioned for this role is because previous shows the College has done, like Copacabana, Beauty and the Beast, Sound of Music have all been amazing and I wanted to be a part of a production. I hope everyone loves this year’s production of Grease as we have put so much effort and hard work into it. It’s going to be our best production yet.”


Jess Botherway is also a Year 13 drama student and she has had a passion for performing since the age of 7. She has studied Drama for the past 3 years at school, performing in class productions and group performances and took part in Stage Challenge for the school in 2017.

Jess says, “I will be playing Miss Lynch in our performance of Grease. Miss Lynch is an English teacher at Rydell High School and although she is rather strict with her students, deep down she really loves and cares for them. When I found out I was a lead in this production I was ecstatic! I couldn’t believe it and was so excited for what was to come. I was particularly excited to be playing Miss Lynch as I knew it would be a challenge for me, as she is so different to who I am, but I was ready for the challenges ahead of me. I was also super happy to hear we were doing Grease, as growing up it has always been my favourite musical.”


Jess continues, “I auditioned for production as I have always had a love for performing and wanted to be a part of such an amazing show. I also wanted to make the most out of my final year at school and I am so glad that I did audition as I’ve enjoyed every minute of this production. I hope that every audience member who watches our show is thoroughly entertained and falls in love with the story we are showing you all. I can’t wait for everyone to see it!”


Make sure you guys come along to see our major school production of Grease to catch both Sam and Jess in action. Tickets are available at the school cashier or in the following link:
Wed 6 Jun 2018, 11:00am–1:30pm
Wed 6 Jun 2018, 7:00pm–9:30pm
Thu 7 Jun 2018, 7:00pm–9:30pm
Fri 8 Jun 2018, 7:00pm–9:30pm
Sat 9 Jun 2018, 7:00pm–9:30pm

Faith Cruz