News Centre

School house spirit invigorated at Cross-Country 2018


It was like the Olympics in our school backyard with a sea of vibrant colours across the fields of Sancta Maria College on a beautiful day of blue skies with not a cloud in sight.


It was a day that many students look forward to every year, to compete and race their hearts out. And after all the training and preparing for the big run, Cross Country 2018 was finally here.
Held last Thursday afternoon, students from Year 7 right up to Year 13 took part in the event with everyone doing their absolute best. And for the new students to the College, it was a great experience with the very exciting atmosphere the field was humming with activity.


Members of the Sports Committee as well as teachers and parents shared words of support and inspiration as runners went past and it made the race that much more fun and enjoyable as students knew they had this awesome support behind them.


The Sports Committee’s goal for the event was to promote our School house colours (red, green, yellow and blue) and to enrich the house spirit. They encouraged students to wear t-shirts that were the same colour as their house instead of their P.E tops and also provided paint for students to decorate their face.


It was a very successful event as their goal was achieved with many students coming all decked out in colour, animated, full of energy and ready to represent their house with pride.


Shontelle Matano