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Year 10s use Growth Mindset

In Year 10, digital students were able to use ‘growth mindset’ and create a game by working with peers and problem solving. And did we mention that we weren’t taught but encouraged by our teacher Mrs. Caudy.

Gamefroot is an online game maker where people can design and code their own games. We could either start from scratch or make a game with one of the available templates. We could make platformers of even make our own problem-solving games! As a class, we loved using this software since it was great fun to design our own terrains and to code the different sprites we put in.

We were allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. Rather than saying, "I made a mistake and it is too hard” and giving up.

When plan ‘A’ didn’t work in our problem solving, it was a good thing that the alphabet has 25 more letters.

So a message for you, instead of saying “I give up,” try thinking and using a different strategy.


Faith Cruz