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Year 9 and 10 Speech competition


Joseph George (Year 9) and Nadine De Guzman (Year 10) talked their way to success in the annual Sancta Maria College speech competition. Joseph told us about “Why you should not friend your mum on Facebook’. Teenagers use a lot of social media and his audience definitely related to his humourous delivery of this topic.

Nadine told us about ‘Why we should end gender stereotyping’. This is an issue Nadine feels strongly about as it can happen a lot at school. Her passionate and well-researched argument swayed the judges in her favour.

After a few weeks of writing, memorising and presenting speeches, one student from each Year 9 and 10 homeroom had been chosen to deliver their speech in the school finals. There was a variety of speeches some persuasive, some humorous and some serious. Against strong opposition Joseph and Nadine emerged as champions.

All the finalists worked really hard on their speeches – an effort well rewarded.

Year 9 winners

1st Joseph George 9LIS

2nd Lavinia Shaba 9BRN

3rd Berlin Mangu 9CLE

Year 10 winners

1st  Nadine De Guzman 10MAC

2nd Elijah Rata 10CLE

3rd Georgina Berry 10LIS

Sydney Causer