News Centre

Open Day a Success

Many prospective students and their parents came to our Sancta Maria College Open Day to get a feel for our school. In the auditorium, the head prefects spoke about their perspective on Sancta Maria College, encouraging the audience to enrol with us; while the SLT and BOT Chairman, Mr Brabant, highlighted our academic achievements.

The guided tours, led by our prefects, junior school leaders and some year 11s and 12’s, gave the visitors an insight into our school. It was a great opportunity to see how we function and ask any questions. Different departments put up a variety of displays to showcase our students’ talents. There were classrooms open for people to have a look around with some interactive activities.

The science department had lots of experiments such as dry ice and floating tea bags. Students in the food tech room were busy baking some fresh hot treats that were quickly disappearing into everyone’s tummies! Baguettes with French cheese were being handed out in plenty by the French class students. The year 7&8 homerooms had student driven activities for our visitors to get involved in. Plus, a demonstration on measurement in year 11 was carried out by some math students.

Our school will warmly welcome the new students next year.

Cyprus Causer