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Marking the start of Lent! – Ash Wednesday liturgy

Cyprus Causer (Year 11)

To mark the start of the season of Lent, we had two parts for our Ash Wednesday commemorations: the homeroom prayer and the Liturgy.

During homeroom, we were informed that this year, Caritas’ theme for lent is, Building dreams together: Called to be Peacemakers.

During Lent we can use this theme to focus our prayer and almsgiving on. We also said a little prayer asking God to guide us and be with us on this Lenten journey.

The Liturgy, led by Ms Oliver and Mr Tamayo, was held in the Auditorium and live streamed so students could watch it and participate in their classrooms.

It began with the opening hymn, ‘Ashes’ followed by a reading, gospel and then reflection.

The ashes were then imposed on the students, teachers and staff by the Year 13 prefects who came to our classes as a symbol of our fragility and repentance.

For whānau who would like to watch a video of the Liturgy, here is the link: ASH WEDNESDAY LITURGY