News Centre

Prefect Blessing

Sandra Heruela (Year 13)

To welcome our newly appointed prefects as they begin leading the school in this new year, a Mass was held at St. Luke’s Church last Friday where Father Craig blessed our leaders.

He prayed that they would guide others with aroha and lead the school by example. Parents, staff, and other Mass attendees joined Father Craig in blessing them, extending their arms towards the prefects as he prayed for them.

After the mass, our Deputy Principal, Mr. Green, spoke to the prefects about leadership. More specifically, he taught us about rangatiratanga and the importance of serving others for purpose and not for power. He said, “Don’t pray for fair weather, pray for courage” — a quote which impacted all our prefects.

As a result of this heartfelt Mass and the following workshop, the 2022 prefects are now more ready than ever for the year to come!