Youth Week took place across several schools within East Auckland area from 7 – 15 May, thanks in support to the Howick Youth Council, and was comprised of the following events:
1. Free Hot Chocolate Mornings
2. Positive Message Mural
Hot Chocolate Mornings
HYC members, from SMC and other volunteering students, arrived at school around 7:30am to set up a hot chocolate serving station. Here, these students lovingly served students with free hot chocolate before homeroom. Students were encouraged to contribute to the positive message mural in exchange for their hot chocolate.
Positive Message Mural
Part of Youth Week was creating a positive message mural wherein students were asked to write a positive message on a sticky note. These notes were then stuck onto a mural with a message saying “Our Voices Matter”. The mural had a simplistic approach but gave the students a powerful message to take away.
Thank you to every student who freely gave their time and skills!