News Centre

KBB warm up concert a success

Maia Tay-Morrison

As the much-anticipated KBB schools competition edges closer, the music groups from Sancta Maria College and Edgewater College held a warm-up concert to display their talents and hard work. Featuring our very own Big Band, Concert band, Symphonia, Festival Orchestra and Stage Band, there was a large variety of music to enjoy.

As well as getting to practice their KBB repertoire, in this concert, all entry fees and donations were collected for the caritas organisation.

It was lovely to welcome Edgewater Big Band to play their pieces in the concert. They are conducted by Hamish Arthur, who also takes our school’s Concert Band. This evening was a great experience for the bands and orchestras, as they were able to perform in front of a live audience.

The KBB competition will take place during the week of the 7 – 11 August 2023, with our school groups playing on Tuesday and Thursday. This is the largest music competition that our school music groups take part in each year.

A huge thank you to Mr. Gibbs, Mrs. Kevern and the music department for organising this event, and to all the family and supporters who came to enjoy the music. A massive, good luck to all the KBB competitors!