News Centre

Pathways to the Future

Andrea Araza

On Thursday 27 August 2023, ex-students of Sancta Maria College and other industry leaders came together to share their journeys into their chosen careers and give an insight into what it’s like within their industry of work.

There were a wide variety of speakers from the fields of entertainment, medical, NZ defence force, teaching, trades and much more who returned to inspire and increase awareness for career pathways that students may want to pursue after leaving school.

The evening started off with an introduction from the Principal and Heads of Departments in the auditorium followed by some lovely kai.  Soon after, people headed off to their designated classrooms into pre-booked sessions with speakers. Students and Whānau were treated to a presentation from each speaker, about their chosen career pathway and what they had to do to reach their current positions. Students and their Whānau learnt plenty and got a feel for a variety of career paths that night. Listening to someone speak from experience about a chosen career path gave students a greater awareness of what would be involved should they choose that pathway – having a Q&A session after the presentations also proved invaluable as students and Whānau were able to freely ask questions they had.

It was certainly a great opportunity for families to become more informed and aware of career options available now.  Thank you to the Careers and Transition Department and the students who helped manage the entire event.