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A morning of inspirational speakers

Lusia Koloamatangi

On Wednesday 9 August 2023, our Year 9 and 10 Junior Speech Competition took place in our school’s auditorium. The competition had begun with an introduction from the English Head of Department, Mrs Du-Blom, then the speeches began.  There were 11 contestants who gave their best and demonstrated great courage and talent throughout the presentation of their speeches. However, only one person from each year group would be the victor, and after some careful deliberation, the judges finally decided the winners (and second place getters).

  • 9GNS’s Ruiqi Jiang outshined with her engaging speech about fighting comparisons with gratitude. Her body language and tone enhanced her well-constructed speech, which aided in her success.
  • Year 10s, Eliyana Eliki-Jones from 10DNN delivered a compelling speech about Mental Health awareness and its stigma within the Pasifika community. Her engagement with the audience and her speech’s powerful message made her stand out among the other talented speakers in her year group.

These girls deserved the win with their eloquent and impactful speeches, and though the others may not have won, each speaker did well in representing their individual classes. Congratulations to all the Year 9 and 10 contestants: Eirynn Belonio, Chloe Ferrera, Ruiqi Jiang, Lusia Koloamatangi, Ysabelle Gayatin, Danielle Orange, Maia Tay-Morrison, Izzobel Nilo, Elrick Ramos and Alphonso Manupule and Eliyana Eliki-Jones for being chosen to present.  Here are the final winners for each Year group:

Year 9:

1st: Ruiqi Jiang 9GNS

2nd: Lusia Koloamatangi 9LIS

Year 10:

1st: Eliyana Eliki-Jones 10DNN

2nd: Maia Tay-Morrison 10GNS

Congratulations to all the contestants and good luck to Ruiqi Jiang and Eliyana Eliki-Jones in the upcoming Junior Inter-school Speech Competition which will be held on 22 August 2023.  In addition, special thanks to Mr. Piggin, Mr. Rimamate and Mrs. Hiddleston for judging the speeches.