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Caring for Papatūānuku in action

On Wednesday 23 August 2023, we hosted other secondary school students and staff from the region, as well as community members for ‘Caring for Papatūānuku’ Cluster, in our school auditorium. Following a welcome from Courtenay Kilpatrick and a Karakia from our kaitiakitanga Prefect, Cate Jessep, the Sustainable Schools Advisor introduced the biodiversity team that supports the cluster through education and resourcing.

Debbie McCreath, a recent retiree of our school, presented her journey leading the Enviro team over the past 10 years and offered excellent advice to the Kaitiaki Leaders from the Cluster.

Phil Oster then gave fascinating insight into the urban tree strategy and the benefits of planting trees in urban spaces.

Lastly, Auckland Council Sustainable Schools Team member, Erana Whaiapu offered a Karakia as we walked to the ngahere before people started ‘pest plant’ eradication, planting 50 native trees with hands on mahi, demonstrating whakawhanaungatanga as the mahi continued.

Overall, it proved to be a very successful evening, strengthening the work that the Caring for Papatūānuku Cluster do.  Thank you to everyone who participated and gave their time.