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Meet our Kororāreka Prefects for 2024!

Marcus Pang, Arwin Batungbakal and Ramon Maldonado Diaz

We shared some time with newly appointed Kororāreka House prefects, Leo Simpson and Isabella Ibbetson during term one. After initially congratulating them, we asked them a series of questions.

1. What are you goals and plans for your house this year?

Our main goal for this year is that Kororāreka win the house cup and develop our house spirit together. To achieve that dream, we are focusing on uniting our house members and developing solid skills in teamwork through house activities and competitions throughout the year.


2. How do you feel about your role as house prefects?

A: We feel proud and honoured to lead and represent our house this year. When we were announced as Kororāreka House prefects for 2024, we were very excited for the year ahead, filled with enthusiasm for the many new adventures and experiences to come.


3. What are your thoughts on the current placement of Kororāreka?

A: Although our house came third in Athletics Day, that single event will not stop us from winning the house cup. We look and think about the bigger picture, we peruse a vision that not only lies in Athletics Day, but throughout the entire year of activities and events planned. Red house will continue to stay red hot.