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2024 Waitematā House prefects

Lilly Massey

Our 2024 Waitematā House prefects are Antonie Smal and Sophie Cranwell.  Their roles involve a mix of leadership, responsibility and authority among the student body.  They enhance the connections and interactions between all ākonga within the house and try to motivate and encourage participation in school events.

Sophie’s goals for this year:

I am looking forward to developing new connections to ākonga within school, developing the whānau aspect within our house and of course, taking home the house cup again this year.

Antonie’s goals for this year:

As a Waitematā prefect, I am looking to make us a family, where we can rely on and support each other.  With the new navigation classes, I want Waitematā students to create connections within different year levels.  I would also like to leave a legacy for the future students by passing down the values and house spirit.  I am not going to be able to achieve this by myself, so I am going to spread the workload evenly so we can use our strengths to achieve greatness.

We wish Sophie and Antonie the very best in their leadership role this year.