News Centre

Art illuminated our school sky for just one night

Audrey Basilio

As the sky darkened, D block courtyard was illuminated with art as the Art in the Dark spectacular commenced.

The students and parents were able to explore and witness the different art exhibitions created by teachers and pupils throughout the year, so far. Included were exhibitions such as the infinity mirror; where you can see yourself from a very long view, a slideshow of the senior’s internal artworks, tiny dwarf houses that light up, and much more. A personal favourite of mine was the glow paint wall where you can freely write or draw anything you like.

Not only were there a showcase of artwork, but jazz performances as well.

Generally, the environment gave a hint of creativeness and a pop sensation with the fairy and LED lights. Especially an unnamed army skeleton sitting outside by the art room.

Thank you to our teachers and art prefects for organising such a heart-warming and lovely evening to showcase how art can impact and express the deeper meaning behind their visuals.