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Japanese exchange strengthens love for language and culture

Winnie Zou

On a cold winter Wednesday, at the end of July 2024, a group of Japanese students arrived on an exchange for the afternoon. They came from Itoshima High School (Japan) to Sancta Maria College to experience the New Zealand lifestyle and embrace our language.

The exchange allowed the Year 10 & 11 Japanese language students to practice and apply the skills they have learnt in Japanese classes over the course of the year. The Year 10 & 11 students were allocated into groups of two and split off to the tour the Japanese students around our school: from the English department to the gym. During our tour, there were also the famous house Olympics going on: the volleyball 3v3. They were amazed by the pure skill of our volleyball players and the athleticism we have in New Zealand.

Slowly but surely, lunchtime passed, and we led them towards our auditorium where we officially welcomed them. We began with our school song sung beautifully by all the Japanese language students and then exchanged introductions; going one by one we said our name, year group, and our interest. The students from Itoshima High School also greeted us with their school song and a self-introduction in English.

After our waiata, we divided into groups around the auditorium to talk to our assigned Japanese exchange student to practice our Japanese. We talked and asked questions in Japanese while they responded back with English. We were able to ask about their likes and dislikes and maintain a proper conversation.

Overall, this exchange introduced us to the diversity and differences of both cultures. It was a wonderful experience and truly educational; we thank Ms Kevern and all students involved who made this event a success.