News Centre

Year 8 enriched by Auckland’s Botanic Gardens

Cylah Belandres

During week 7, all Year 8 students went to the Auckland Botanic Gardens as part of their science unit. At the Botanic Gardens we worked in groups, planted succulents, learned about plant adaptations, had a great adventure and lots of fun!

For our first session, we learnt about the life cycle of plants and how they disperse their seeds. We got to see the seeds themselves and test out how they worked. We did some succulent planting afterwards; I really enjoyed it.

After a short break, we had our self-guided tour. We needed a booklet, pen and a map. In the booklet, there was a list of plants we needed to find, it was a great scavenger hunt. We carefully rummaged through the threatened native plants garden expecting to find the plants on the list but found the scavenger hunt very challenging!  Some groups were more successful than others.

Finally, we were able to explore the Botanic gardens at our leisure.

We would like to thank our amazing parent helpers for accompanying us on our trips and the staff of the Auckland Botanic Gardens for enriching our science learning.