Elijah Ratu (9DNN) has taken out the Y9 speech competition with a compelling talk on ‘Childhood Myths are Dangerous’. Elijah will now represent his year group at the Eastern Zone Speech Finals.
The five finalists: Glenn Fromont, Lance Zuniga, Gemma Holt, Alex Dougherty and Elijah gave speeches of a high standard, displaying a range of delivery techniques and holding the interest of the audience. Subjects ranged from the serious (Gemma’s ‘Bystanders to Bullying are cowards’ contained a powerful message) to the light hearted (Glenn’s ‘Family History’). While Lance confronted us with the question ‘Is it fair to keep wild animals in zoos?’ and Alex told us why it is wrong to be judgmental of others.
However, it was Elijah’s sophisticated and balanced approach, opening our eyes to a problem with the use of well-placed humour, a strong stage presence and effective delivery which won the day.