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Sancta Maria’s Senior Students Display School Values

With the sky at Mt Eden clear and having no hint of rain, Sunday was already on its way to be a wonderful morning for the Auckland Down Syndrome Association’s annual Buddy Walk.

This charitable event involves a 3.5km walk around Tahaki Reserve that is open to anyone to come along and participate, and was designed with the intention to promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome.

This Sunday was the 13th annual Buddy Walk and over 25 Senior Sancta Maria College students generously gave up their Sunday morning to help aid the Auckland Down Syndrome Association in running the Buddy Walk.

Arriving bright and early at 8:30, the Sancta Maria students were distributed to where their assistance was needed. Many were marshals who were tasked with guiding those on the walk in the right direction. Some were selling raffle tickets or supporting the auction. Others were given the task of helping with the bouncy castle, sausage sizzle and rock climbing wall.

When asked why do you volunteer to help and give up your Sunday morning for the buddy walk, a Sancta Maria College student replied, “I think it’s important to help others who need it whenever I can.” When other students were asked if they would want to assist in the Buddy Walk again, all of them replied, “Yes, definitely.”

Most of the students involved seemed to realise that the Buddy Walk, “is a great opportunity to do something for the community by help some of the most vulnerable people in the world who need our support.”

With the Buddy Walk coming to an end at 2:30, the day was thoroughly enjoyed by the participants in the walk and the students who gladly gave up their time to support them. With the amazing turnout this year, more can definitely be expected for next year’s annual Buddy Walk.

Zoe Chou