News Centre

‘Change is seen in our hearts, not our pockets’

Young Vinnies has long been an integral part of Sancta Maria College’s special character. It is a platform by which students and teachers are able to reach out to those who are in need of love and support, especially those who have been marginalised by society.

 On a warm Thursday afternoon, the students were reminded of this purpose through paintings and craft. Led by Gene Kiely, one of our Young Vinnies leaders from outside of school, students were asked to make symbols of what Young Vinnies meant to them.

 It was a fun activity filled with an array of colour and laughter. Their symbols consisted of intertwined hands, the globe, trees and light, which in essence represented the diversity, acceptance and the support the organisation brings to every individual.

 Overall, it was a great way to once again bring the school group together in solidarity of their Vincentian purpose.

 Angelika Bilbao