Miyuki is just one of the many amazing young people who are making a change in our world today. Her efforts are an inspiration to us all, teaching us that nothing can stop us from helping one another.
Rarely can you find prefects and staff in a heated game of multi-sport. As the lunch-time bell rang, the clang of coins in bucket filled the gymnasium, and the intensity from the student-teacher rivalry could be felt throughout the arena as the students battled to claim back the glory that was being stolen from them score after score.
However, the competition was all for a good cause! Every dollar of the $260 raised went to our student, Miyuki Muraki, who is travelling to Thailand today for a very important cause. In previous years, Miyuki, along with her family, raised a whopping $3000 for the Mercy Centre in Thailand, a shelter for street kids and a home for mothers and children with HIV/AIDS.
“Mercy Centre defends children at police stations and in courts, operate the national child abuse hot line and advocate for children’s rights in every important public and legal forum. They also protect street children who can’t or who won’t live at Mercy Centre, who would otherwise be vulnerable to human trafficking, the sex trade, drugs and HIV,” explains Miyuki.
Furthermore, Miyuki aims to also donate to APSW, which stands for Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women, which, along with the Mercy Centre, also provides care for pregnant women and new mothers who were raped or don’t have financial support and who are living in poor and unhealthy conditions. Further to this, the Centre also provides basic food and physical and mental rehabilitation for both the women and children. With the money raised this year through the multi-sport game, Miyuki will purchase rice, milk, stationery and clothing for these people in need.
Angelika Bilbao