News Centre

A vision of a fairer future


A World Vision that is. Students are now signing up in CU1 for this year’s 40 Hour Famine which takes place over the weekend of 8-10 June.


The theme is ‘Standing United with the Children of Sudan’. The aim, to provide food, water, shelter and education for those affected by conflict, drought and famine. Sign up is in CU1 any interval or lunch time.


There are one million Sudanese refugees in camps in Northern Uganda. Sixty-one percent of these are children. The money raised this year will support South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda with nutritious food, clean water, safe toilets, a place to live, and education and play in child friendly spaces.


World Vision is currently supporting people as they cross the border with emergency food, as well as setting them up in their new homes. They are ensuring children who are separated from their families are in foster care and providing psychosocial support. World Vision is also providing clean water and toilets to prevent sickness spreading.


As well as providing emergency response items World Vision is planning for rehabilitation, resilience and self-reliance by helping communities establish agriculture, learn vocational skills and access credit to establish small businesses.


“Thousands of young lives have been affected by conflict, drought and famine in South Sudan. Children have fled for their lives across the border to Uganda, becoming refugees. They have travelled a long distance, many without parents or families. While we can’t rewind the past, we can help restart their future.” (World Vision)