On Tuesday morning Meggy Laguda, Helen Pahulu, and former Sancta Maria College student Julia Tenedero, attended the Howick Youth Council Principal’s Breakfast. This breakfast was held at Te Tuhi Arts Centre in Pakuranga.
Sancta Maria College’s representatives on the Howick Youth Council spoke on behalf of the school and came together with representatives of many other schools who attended this event. The schools that went consisted of Edgewater, Macleans, Howick, Pakuranga, Saint Kentigern’s, Elim Christian, Botany Downs, and Ormiston.
Meggy Laguda is our College’s Year 12 representative. Helen Pahulu is the Year 13 representative and Julia Tenedero is a chosen open seat member who is in her first year of university. At this event, the schools informed several points of contact (people who the Howick Youth Council communicate with to reach schools, including our school’s principal nominee, Mrs Stickland) about what the group does.
They discussed their intentions and aim to make the Howick region a more vibrant place for youth so that young people can connect with each other. Among these discussions they talked about what the group has currently been doing, what plans they have already executed and what will be put in place soon.
Some events the group is currently organising and working on are the Howick Youth Summit and a dog walk, which will be held in June. These are two of the many projects the group has come up with this year. Both of these events work towards the team’s general aim of helping to give youth a voice to express their ideas and to decide how they can be implemented within our community.
Meggy Laguda describes this breakfast, “The event was full of vibrant discussions.” She says that she is excited for what is to come and looks forward to working with the rest of the Howick Youth Council.
Mia Gilchrist