This Friday our school participated in the Day of Silence, which is all about breaking the silence around homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. The event is organised by InsideOUT, an organisation which works to make schools safer for LGBTQ+ students. The theme of the 2018 Day of Silence is unlearning unconscious behaviours which marginalise LGBTQ+ students, in order to promote acceptance and inclusivity.
Sancta Maria got involved with a bake sale to fundraise for InsideOUT and a photo competition encouraging students to show how they personally are breaking the silence. Over the course of the day, an impressive $300 was raised.
The Day of Silence comes in the midst of other events promoting the wellbeing of students including a professional development seminar for the teachers on supporting LGBTQ+ students, an essay competition on the theme of allyship ending on September 30, and Wellbeing Week being held over the duration of next week.
Danica Loulie-Wijtenburg