Anticipation ran high within the staff contestants in this year’s hotly contested Sancta gastronomic extravaganza.
What would be in their ingredients kit and what could they bring as a special ingredient to combine to create the winning dish? The challenges were layered, teams had to master a savory dish, produce a stunning classic kiwi sponge and make three special coffees (exactly which coffees was only revealed on the day).
Each group rose to the occasion with a range of delectable treats. After careful tasting and mindful deliberation the judges made their decisions. Most excellent in its taste and presentation was the Kaiseki Ninjas awarded first prize in the savory dish category.
Both delicate and fluffy and striking in its visual appeal was team IncrEDIBLES lemon curd sponge. They took out first prize. Closely followed by team Kaiseki Ninjas in second place.
The most delightful and aromatic coffees were made by barista Mr Tamayo of the Kaiseki Ninjas. The Supreme Award went to the Kaiseki Ninjas.
A special thank you to the organizers, Mrs Rehu and her team and judges, particularly to Mr Brabant chairman of the Sancta Maria Board of Trustees.