You have all been reading interesting articles on our website as well as Facebook page. Articles that have kept you posted on current events and happenings at SMC. We have a great News Centre Team that brings you the latest news but behind them all is one big driving force, someone who inspires, motivates and encourages the team to bring out the best in them – Mr. Saunders. He works silently and tirelessly behind the scenes, giving up his precious time and making sure that all the News Centre work is edited and well co-ordinated. These stories also feed into the College Year Book, which he has been collating and editing since 2006 (with the exception of 2017).
Mr. Saunders has been with SMC since 2004, starting as a relieving and part time teacher and moving on to a full-time teaching role in 2006. He initiated the News Centre Team in 2013 with only three or four students. Mr Saunders says, “From small beginnings it has grown hugely…”
Mr Saunders has a keen interest in writing, poetry being his special outlet. As a child he was encouraged to read newspapers and take an interest in world current affairs. Throughout his teaching career he has produced class magazines showcasing student writing. He studied English Literature, History and R.E. with a strong emphasis on the written language. He has varied interests: a passion for reading, sporting interests, especially football and listening to music. Mr Saunders adds, “I could go on. So, so much in life to enjoy.”
When asked to describe his experience as Head of the News Centre Team, he replied, “Brilliant. Except I do not know where to stop. Each year I want to make it bigger and better. The most satisfying thing is to watch the students blossom and grow in confidence as news
gatherers and writers. It is the students and their enthusiasm and willingness to meet every
challenge which makes it a joy to be involved.”
His vision for our News Centre…. “Long term I would like to see the College continue to develop the team of student reporters/photographers. They need access to the ever-increasing modes of digital media to get news out to the wider community. It would be great to have more visual/video content to back up the superb writing. Students need to be encouraged to go out and find news stories themselves, rather than just follow up assigned items. Very often the most interesting stories are right under our nose. Then I can properly retire and pursue all those interests (and more) I mentioned previously.”
And to those aspiring to join our News Centre Team, Mr Saunders has these words of advice, “All are welcome. We are not looking for perfect writing. That is the editor’s role. Just write. Tell a good story. Be an authentic student voice telling the world what an exceptional College we belong to.”
The man behind it all…that’s our wonderful Mr Saunders.
Sydney Causer