Sancta Maria College’s debating team of Meggy Laguda, Danica Loulie-Wijtenburg and Kelly Mascarenhas emerged triumphant in the annual Zonta Debate against Botany College, retaining the trophy and giving us a 7-6 lead over our opponents.
As part of Zonta International, Zonta Club of East Auckland aims to advance the status of women through service and advocacy. With the thirteenth annual debate this year, the Sancta Maria College and Botany College teams were given a challenging moot: ‘Further legislation in New Zealand will be required before we see advances in gender equity in the workplace.’
Strong points from Meggy Laguda, Danica Loulie-Wijtenburg and Kelly Mascarenhas were passionately made in rebuttal to the affirmative team, stating how social change, gender equity and education would be more effective methods of seeing advances in gender equity in the workplace. While the stance was risky, the convincing discussion led to success.
Both teams are delighted to have had the platform to learn and participate in such a riveting dialogue. We look forward to the 2020 Zonta Debate.
Meggy Laguda