2024 Junior Academic Award Winners
Congratulations and thank you to the following junior students who have been recognised for their contributions to service, academic excellence and sport. Year 7 Award
The Board of Trustees works in partnership with the Principal to support and lead the school, and provide our students with the very best opportunities to maximise their learning potential and prepare them for the future.
The Board is responsible for the governance of the school, setting the school’s strategic direction, recognising and enhancing the Special Catholic Character, compliance, allocating decision-making responsibilities and giving focus to student progress and achievement. It is also the employer of all staff, and reports annually to the Proprietor in relation to its legal obligations.
Further information on the role of the Board can be found on www.minedu.govt.nz/Boards.aspx
If you wish, you can contact the SMC Board of Trustees via email: bot@sanctamaria.school.nz
The structure of the Sancta Maria College Board of Trustees consists of:
In addition to this, there are Proprietor’s Appointees who also serve on the Board and have all the rights and obligations of other Board members. The Proprietors Appointees are especially responsible for ensuring the school’s Special Catholic Character is strengthened.
Board members also choose to be on one or more Board Committees that meet regularly to work through the detail of any matters and policy, and bring recommendations to the Board meetings for discussion and final approval.
There are three committees – Finance and Property, Human Resources and Special Character. As well, special responsibilities are given to the identified committee members for Health and Safety and Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC).
Congratulations and thank you to the following junior students who have been recognised for their contributions to service, academic excellence and sport. Year 7 Award
Congratulations and thank you to the following junior students who have been recognised for their contributions towards the Special Character of our school: Kevin Chen
We would like to congratulate the following Junior school Trophy Award winners for 2024: Ali Afakasi Award winner Nicholas Jackson-Potter Outstanding Scholar in Literacy Award
Learning excellence, centred on our Catholic faith, personal growth, service to others and strong academic success.
PHONE: 09 274 4081
FAX: 09 274 4082