News Centre

CalcEx 2020

Although seniors are fast approaching study leave and the end of the school year, things were not quite over for eight, maths-loving Year 12s.

On a late Friday afternoon, two teams of four left SMC headed for Pakuranga College to compete against other schools in the East Auckland CalcEx competition.

First starting in 2017, CalcEx is a Mathex-styled event based on Level 3 Calculus, where most Year 12s and 13s from various colleges put their knowledge to the test.

Team A consisted of Rad Atienza, Nasya Chin, Angelo Rodrigues and Angelo Tienzo (runner), and Team B had Josue Badenas, Felix Cheng, Ann Del Rosario and Danny Tam (runner). With carefree spirits and bright smiles, they put their maths brains to hard work in an attempt to solve 20 questions in 30 minutes.

Many questions were difficult to decipher, while others were tedious and worthy of a skip. Nevertheless, the students managed to pull through and make Sancta Maria College history. Against tough competition, the two teams accumulated a total of 65 points coming 4th out of 10 schools!

A massive thank you goes to Mrs Williams and Mrs Edward for supporting and entering the teams into this event. Because of this, the school year was topped off with a bit of cool Calculus for these fellow number-philes!

Nasya Chin