News Centre

A mixed day at the courts


Don’t let the grey clouds fool you, rain didn’t come crashing down on the games this weekend. 7A took Sunnyhills by storm winning by a whopping 25 points (28/3 to us). 7D also won their game. So good going for the Year 7s!

The results from Saturday are: Sancta Maria 8A – Lost 17/36 Sancta Maria 8B – Lost 11/16 Sancta Maria 8C – Tied 12/12 Sancta Maria 7A – Won 28/3 Sancta Maria 7B – Lost 10/16 Sancta Maria 7C – Bye Sancta Maria 7D – Won 19/16

The netball season is drawing to a close with only another two games to go. A special thank you to all those who work behind the scenes, Leanne Farmer and the netball club committee, the coaches who volunteer their time and dedicate their skills to train us, the managers who do a wonderful coordination job and the players who have the most fun!

Cyprus Causer