Ann Ferguson

Cultural Festival stalls and schedule of performances

Performance timings and Food is subject to change prior to the start of the event. Thank you to our Student-Staff-Parent Cultural Festival Committee, student performers and helpers, food stall parents and students who have organised and cooked food for the event and guest performers.  Our Twilight Cultural Festival could not go ahead without your support

Cultural Festival stalls and schedule of performances Read More »

Queenstown trip charms and excites international students

Nestled on the shores of Lake Wakatipu and surrounded by the Southern Alps, Queenstown is a destination that truly embodies the essence of adventure and natural beauty.  On the 24 September 2024, a group of international students left Auckland to enjoy it’s beauty. The journey began with a scenic flight into the small but charming

Queenstown trip charms and excites international students Read More »

Students reduce waste which helps our native bush and wildlife

Five Year 12 students—Maria Sanchez, Em-J Abuyan, Raliemon Lopez, Cayden Pascua, and Joshua De Guzman headed into the native bush between our school and Te-Irirangi Drive, armed with gloves and rubbish bags toward the end of term 3.  After two hours of hard work, with so much trash still left behind, that they had to

Students reduce waste which helps our native bush and wildlife Read More »