
APO Discovery concert galvanises love for music

Wednesday 31 May 2023 marked a very memorable day for 45 Sancta Maria College music students. The annual APO discovery concert held in the town hall took students from around Auckland on a journey through the world exploring music and dance. Starting our journey off in France, the audience were introduced to an orchestral style […]

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Igniting creativity in our budding story tellers

As part of Writer’s Week (24-30 July 2023), senior students were very fortunate to have author Russell Meek come in to speak about his journey that inspired his book series “The Khalada Stone”, a fantastical Arabic-Nordic inspired four book series with a fifth one in the works. Holding several occupations ranging from writer to photographer

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Year 13s enjoy Ancient Civilisations

During one of their rostered days off, the Year 13 Classics class took a trip to the Auckland War Memorial Museum. Currently in class, the students are studying the influences of Roman ideologies across different time periods and in different countries.  Specifically, they have been looking at how the Pantheon’s architecture has inspired America through

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Teaching and learning Science joined together

A small delegation of teachers from the Science department attended the biennial conference for chemistry and biology educators (ChemEd & BioLive 2022) held at the AUT campus, central Auckland, from Wed 16 – Fri 18 November 2022.   This was a fantastic opportunity to meet with like-minded educators throughout New Zealand and hear from internationally recognised

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