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Year 11, 12 and 13 Art and Photography Student Workshops

It is a very busy time ahead for our senior Art and Photography students with their NCEA External Examination due dates fast approaching for Levels 1 – 3 (Please see final hand in dates below). In anticipation of these dates the Art Department will be running the following workshops for students.
Tuesday – Thursday from 3.15 to 4.30pm in DG7

Please support and encourage your student to take up this opportunity. An Art Teacher will be present during these times to assist your student.

Year 11, 12 and 13 Art and Photography Student Workshops Read More »

What an Assumption “Mass-ive” Success!

A very special day for a very special figure in each and everyone’s hearts today, our mothers.
On one of the important feast days linked to our College’s special character, a service held in the Auditorium celebrated these special people, women who, through love and sacrifice, shape us into who we are today. This day was a celebration of mothers, most of all, Mary, the mother of all humankind, and her Assumption into Heaven.

What an Assumption “Mass-ive” Success! Read More »