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Decorated paper lunch bags

Activities are in full swing to celebrate Enviro week and on Thursday the Year 7 and 8s decorated their paper lunch bags with the theme ‘sustainability.’ The best paper bags from each homeroom were sent to Mrs McCreath to judge. The paper bags were bright and bold with strong messages. The Year 7 and 8s put a lot of effort into decorating them.

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Enviro Week – Day 2

On the first of three ‘Bring Your Re-useable Cup Days’ there were plenty of students queuing at the School Café (CG6), for free hot chocolate and coffee. This is to challenge students to consider the number of single-use coffee cups used, that aren’t recyclable. Bring your re-useable cup and come along today or tomorrow for your free hot drink.

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Guest speaker motivates students

As part of Environment Week at Sancta Maria College, guest speaker Luke WiJohn talked to our students about climate change. Climate change is an important issue of our generation and if we are to make a change, we need the enthusiasm and motivation to solve the problem. Luke is one of the organisers for School Strike 4 Climate Change and has been actively involved with making a change, starting in Auckland. He has been a member of Project NZ and inspired action among Auckland students. He gave us a different perspective on climate change and really motivated us to want to make a difference.

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