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Look out for Environment Week

The week ahead (August 26-30) is an exciting and full-on week for students at Sancta Maria College. With the dedication and planning from our Enviro Team, they have organised ‘Enviro Week’. This is the time to focus on all things Environment! Many interesting events are happening during Enviro Week, including the important collection of waste (glasses, batteries, mobile phones), peanut butter and soft plastics.

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And that’s a wrap for this year

And that’s a wrap for the netball season this year. The Year 7 and 8s have very much enjoyed playing netball. This season has been incredible with so many highlights in the games. Congratulations 8B on coming second in their flight and 8A, 7A and 7C for coming third in their flights. 7D came fourth in their grade and 8C and 7B came fifth in their competitions. 8C had two games today so it was a long day at the courts for them.

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Valiant effort by our 1st XV Vs the top team in the grade

Our 1st XV played away on Saturday at Mt Albert Grammar on a good pitch but with a swirling breeze across the ground. It was a close encounter in the first half with our boys defending very well but it was MAGS who opened the scoring with a converted try. Our team had limited opportunities in MAGS territory but came close to scoring on a couple of occasions but it was MAGS who lead at the break 10 nil after converting a penalty late in the first half.

Valiant effort by our 1st XV Vs the top team in the grade Read More »

Students compete at Science Fair

Mikaela Bangalan, Meara Magsalay-Downie, Cyprus Causer and Alanna Santoso participated in the south and east NIWA science fair. From term two, they have been working on this project as part of the science club. Meara and Mikaela worked together while Cyprus and Alanna worked individually. They delivered their project last Thursday and were interviewed by the judges on Friday. The prize winners will be announced at Elim College on August 27.

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