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Charity concert and donations

Maia Tay-Morrison (Year 10), Johann Ang (Year 13)

In early February, as the aftermath of cyclone Gabrielle was laid bare throughout New Zealand communities, our school music department wanted to step up to do what they could in support of those badly affected. As a result, a flood relief charity concert was held on 2 March 2023 in the school’s auditorium through the participation of many talented students, groups and teachers. The night was a great chance to listen to some spectacular music whilst supporting a good cause.

Music has a unique ability to bring together people and create a sense of unity and solidarity – and the concert certainly provided this opportunity. Performances varied from jazz combos to rock bands and even classical performances. The first half of the concert consisted of bands, jazz groups, and a guitar ensemble followed by a rousing second half that had a chamber group, orchestra and choirs. The finale was an unforgettable collective performance of the song ‘Uncloudy Day’ by Willie Nelson featuring our Symphonia, Senior choir and Jazz Ducks.

Along with a donation upon entry, many students helped to sell drinks and baking at the interval to raise more money, with all the proceeds going straight to flood relief programs and charities.

We thank the many teachers and students involved in making this night possible, highlighting our head of music Mr. Gibbs along with Mr. Humphries and Mrs. Kevern. Everyone put in a tremendous amount of effort over the two weeks prior, to show our support for communities in need. The music department would also like to thank everyone for coming along and supporting this cause.Image preview

With the recent flooding occurring throughout New Zealand, but particularly hit hard in Auckland and Hawke’s Bay, Sancta Maria College students were in a rush to find ways to help those in need. The school immediately began collecting donations to assist the struggling families. Students and families brought dry foods, cans, and other necessities that were called for by local agencies on the ground helping victims. Within a week, students had contacted the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (who the school works closely with due to our Vinnies special character group). Thanks to the amazing work of the students, an entire van was filled with donations ready for delivery to those in need.

A big thank you must go out to all the parents and students who came in and dropped off their donations. It was incredibly heart-warming seeing our school community come together to help a struggling community.