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Chess team competes in Auckland regional finals

Aaron Santoso

Recently our chess team competed in the Auckland Regional Chess tournament at Mt Roskill Grammar School. With the fierce competition, our chess club managed to snatch a solid 4th place.

Being an invitation only tournament, only the top schools from around Auckland competed. Our team had successfully done so through achieving a second placing in a previous tournament held at Somerville Intermediate.  Click this link for further detail on the earlier tournament.

With a total of 54 players competing from all over Auckland, the level of competition had increased significantly. The rules were the same as the previous: Both players were given only 15 minutes throughout the entire game, wins were worth one point, draws worth half, and loses none.

After seven rounds of intense playing and months of preparation, our team came out with 17 points, only three points short of third place. It was a great experience, giving our players the chance to compete at a higher level and to meet other students from different schools who also enjoyed playing chess.

A big thanks to Mr Schollum, for whom this trip would not be possible. Overall, it was a great experience for our chess players, having the opportunity to compete against other high-level players.