From the spark of inspiration of a few students, the butterfly garden will finally be more than just an idea.
Why do we want a butterfly garden? Whether apparent or not, there are numerous benefits of regenerating the growth of butterflies in our habitat. Butterflies are pollinators, which means they can spread and allow plant species to reproduce. Simply put: no pollinators, no plants.
But most importantly, it will help you. This garden will enhance the mood positively: decreasing stress levels and increasing concentration. Peace of mind is experienced by humans who can relax in it. Research from The University of Florida refers to butterfly gardens having a “therapeutic” effect, providing a soothing retreat from everyday life.
After a lengthy discussion, the design of the butterfly garden was able to incorporate our Catholic faith as well as an excellent aesthetic. The butterfly garden will have a yellow cross made of flowers as its core with a bounty of beautiful flowers surrounding it.
The Environment Team is currently hard at work to raise money for this incredible cause and hope that the entire school community can get behind this fantastic project.
Katrina Chan