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Counting down to Jazz Night – September 20


As the annual Jazz Night approaches, many young musicians at our school are getting excited about the event. Yesel Wang is one of these many musicians.

Yesel has been playing the trumpet for almost five years. However, until last year, Yesel played mainly classically. She joined our school’s Big Band in 2018 and has been devoted to jazz ever since. “Being in Big Band has made me appreciate jazz more – I’ve come to realise I like the jazz side of music much more than classical music.”

Though she has thought about it, Yesel ultimately decided to to study music later on in her life. “I’m still willing to play the trumpet as a hobby though!”

Join us in the College’s staff room on the September20 at 7pm (entry at 6:30pm) to listen to Yesel play with the Big Band!

Tickets are on sale at the Sancta Maria College cashier. There are a LIMITED number of tickets on sale so be sure to get in quick!

If you are not part of the Sancta Maria College community and want to purchase tickets, please email and we will help you.


Students: $5

Adults: $15

Children under 10: FREE

Minju Kim