During the final week of Term 2 the senior drama students had the opportunity to perform plays that they had worked on all term.
The Year 13s performed two separate plays so that everyone could have an equal amount of roles.
‘Exchange’ was a play about five teenagers going on an exchange to Germany. Some of the students even managed to pick up a German accent and learn some German words. The characters encountered many dilemmas throughout the exchange itself. However, they learnt that all of it was valuable in the end because these obstacles lead to a future that they’d otherwise not have had.
The second play was called ‘The Big OE’ which was similar to ‘Exchange.’ It features a couple going on a 10-day holiday to various places. The girlfriend was waiting for a proposal, not knowing that the boyfriend had already planned out their marriage. Throughout their holiday, they encounter many issues and people who placed a barrier between them and their relationship.
Both plays received positive audience reception.
“All the students really delved into their characters and understood their backgrounds. It meant that when the time came to perform, the characters were authentic and believable,” commented Elena Afamasaga.
The Year 12s performed a play called ‘Confusion’ which dealt with loneliness and isolation and was presented by five separate groups within the drama class. A lot of pressure was put onto the Year 12s who had to persevere through learning all their lines.
As for Year 11 drama – the play was called ‘Voices from High school’ and it consisted of several different scenarios of what goes on in the playwright’s high school. These drama students were all eager to put on a good show and were fervently anticipating the day they’ll get to perform on stage. It is the first theatre play the Year 11s would have done.
Unfortunately the Year 11s turned up to Uxbridge Theatre on Thursday night to find out that they couldn’t perform. This was the night when there was thunder, lightning and heavy rain resulting in water leakage in the newly-renovated Uxbridge Theatre. Due to health and safety issues, it was decided that the performance was to be cancelled. The Year 11s had a promising audience who too, were disappointed in the turn of events.
However, the students, Cuan Pillay (the director), Mr Roberson and Mrs Oliver are looking forward to seeing the play performed sometime next term. This means that the Year 11s will get to spend more time together as a class instead of in separate groups. It also gives the students extra time to work with Cuan Pillay and Mr Roberson to learn more about how to perform to the best of their abilities and make this play even better than it might have been.
All three senior drama classes spent a lot of time working on their plays while juggling their other internals and commitments. However, all the students truly gave it their all in their final performances and Year 12 student Helen Pahulu said, “It was all worth it in the end”.
Katrina Chan