
Stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. God indeed is my salvation, I am confident and unafraid.
– Isaiah 12:2

At Sancta Maria College it is our privilege to celebrate God, Christ and Mary, following the Catholic tradition, in our classrooms and around our campus.

Sancta Maria provides students with an NCEA-supported education in Religious Studies to promote their knowledge about the Cathocism and encourage them to further their faith. Religious Education is a compulsory course from Year 7 to Year 13 and is taught by specifically trained teachers.

Heavenly Father,
we thank you for gathering us
together in faith.
We pray that Mary’s integrity and humility
will continue to guide us on our journey
through Sancta Maria College.
May we always open our hearts to Christ,
supporting and encouraging each other
in our pursuit of excellence.
Help us to see the face of Christ
in one another.
Ake Ake Ake



Prayer is an integral part of our school.  All students participate prayers that are said throughout the day.   In Navigation periods and homeroom, students reflect on the gospels following the liturgical cycle.  At the beginning of each class, we also say a prayer for our different intentions; we pause at 12 noon every day to pray the angelus and undertake our personal reflection.

The school provides opportunities for students to grow in their faith through different liturgies and providing opportunities to receive the sacraments.  Students are also invited to have a special moment in front of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday and our School Chaplain is available to administer the sacrament of reconciliation every week.   Staff and students participate in full school Mass which happens once a term and weekly during lunch time.

Students are encouraged to put their faith to practice through the different outreach programmes offered by the school in co-ordination with the different religious and social communities.  Several opportunities for the students’ families are also provided to help them grow their faith and prayer life.

Throughout the College campus we have icons, artworks, images and features that remind students of the Special Character of our school and the importance of the Catholic faith.  Overall, the school is driven by our school motto, “Faith is our Compass.”


At Sancta Maria College we believe that retreats play an important part in the social, emotional and spiritual development of each and every child. We hold retreats at each year level encompassing a variety of structured experiences which aim to promote the students’ personal development and spiritual nurture through growing understanding and empathy. Each retreat experience provides every student with opportunities to develop into responsible young adults equipped with the skills to handle any of life’s challenges.

Our retreats focus on relationships, community and understanding oneself, helping develop bonds with peers and develop future College Leaders.

Our retreats aim to deepen the exploration into the student’s own spirituality and provide time for self-reflection and personal growth.

For all students, retreats are a time of development as they start to explore their own lives, relationships and spirituality. Teachers and our College Chaplain work closely with all students during these retreats to provide the support and guidance they need in order to gain the most out of every experience.

2025 Special Character Team

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At Sancta Maria College, sacraments are offered to all students.

A Sacramental Programme is also offered to those who wish to be initiated into the Catholic Faith.  They undergo the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children/Adult (RCIC/RCIA) Programme for them to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.