Family is the greatest foundation of a student’s future.
Sancta Maria Catholic College’s talented, well-rounded, diligent and high academic achievers are students whose families and teachers co-operate to ensure that our students reach their fullest potential. Not just in their academic endeavours, but by nurturing them in a Catholic environment, our students prosper with the values of love, kindness, helpfulness, integrity, faith and unlimited Catholic values.
These values allow us to grow as good children of God with Mary as our role model, where our Catholic upbringings and academic achievements may be used to help others and to make our world a better place.
Thus, on Wednesday, 20 September, Sancta Maria College students and our families came together on a special night to acknowledge the families that have supported us on our journey towards excellence and success.
Our celebration of the Mass showed heart-warming unity between our students as they expressed their cultural identity through presenting scripture readings, prayers and songs in different languages. Our school band and choir displayed their musical talents which left us with a great emotional impression on this touching occasion.
We thank Father Kevin and all the teachers, students and everyone involved for their hard work in organizing such a wonderful night for us all. May we continue to be grateful for our families and teachers, not just during Family Mass, but always and forever.
Courtney Nguyen