Financial Contributions


The Financial Contributions for 2025 are:

Year 7-8: $2,247 per year
Year 9-13: $2,795 per year

These amounts are made up of:

Year 7-8 Attendance Dues: $532 per year incl GST
Year 9-13 Attendance Dues: $1,080 per year incl GST
Special Character Contribution*: $60 per year
Proprietors Contribution*: $355 per year

School Contribution Year 7-8*: $1,300 per year
School Contribution Year 9-13*: $1,300 per year

*tax deductible against personal income tax.

To make a payment

Payments can be made in person at the Cashier’s Office or bank details as follows for internet banking.

Sancta Maria College bank account number – 12-3233-0126097-02
Please use the student’s first and last name when making payments.

For more information, click the following link 2025 Financial Contributions

Financial assistance is available to assist families who may need financial support with the payment of Attendance Dues for preference students attending Catholic schools in Auckland Diocese, both primary and secondary.

Families facing financial difficulties can contact the college cashier (274-4081 ext 287) or Business Manager (274-4081 ext 202) or the Revenue Manager at the Catholic Diocese of Auckland for further information.

Application forms for this assistance are available from school and parish offices, or can be downloaded from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Website