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Hokianga House Prefects for 2023

Throughout these series of articles, we get to learn more about our school Prefects, their roles, background, and aspirations. Today we are introduced to the Hokianga Prefects, Francesca Camacho and Amadeo Tangdilambi.

Francesca Camacho

Francesca believes that her role as a house Prefect is helping integrate a sense of unity and school spirit within our school community. She strives to achieve this through connecting with students in Hokianga house during house assemblies by hosting activities or simple reflections. In doing this, she believes she can create a fun environment where students feel they belong.  Francesca has many interests within school life, actively involving herself in many school groups. She has participated in the 40 Hour Famine Student Committee where they planned the Social. She was a part of Caritas, Vinnies, News Centre, Debate, and Mooting. Francesca also joined Peer Support and tutoring in Year 11 to build a connection with the Year 7 and 8s.

She feels that honesty is an important core value that she strives to implement in her life. In terms of her leadership style, honesty has helped Francesca voice her concerns, express her perspective, and stand her ground.  Francesca’s message to everyone is ‘Do not let the opinions of others influence you in a negative way or to abandon your interests and goals. Growing up, it is common to want to fit in with the crowd, which may pressure you to behave a certain way. However, the most important thing is surrounding yourself with people you feel comfortable with, people who will make you want to be better, and people who will encourage you to participate.’


Amadeo Tangdilambi

Amadeo believes that his role as a Prefect is to set an example for other students and help ensure that our school community thrives. He plans to fulfil his responsibility by leading by example and encouraging his House members to take part in all school events and activities.  Amadeo has many goals for the upcoming year. One of them being to lead his House to victory in the school’s House championships and to maintain good grades. To achieve his goals, he plans to motivate and inspire his House members to participate in events and support each other, and to stay focused and disciplined in his own studies.


Amadeo enjoys playing football and was on the school’s football team. He also enjoys working out and reading books, which allows him to stay physically and mentally active outside of his other commitments.  Amadeo’s values are honesty, respect, and responsibility. “I believe that honesty and respect are essential for building trust and strong relationships with others, while responsibility ensures that we take ownership of our actions and strive to make a positive impact in the world.”  To other young leaders and students in school, Amadeo says “Always strive for excellence and never be afraid to take on new challenges. Believe in yourself and your abilities and surround yourself with positive influences that will support and guide you on your journey. Remember that leadership is not just about being in charge, but about serving and inspiring others to be their best selves.”