The world I see is full of chaos, havoc and destruction. War after war, bombings after bombings and no one seems to learn from the lessons of the past. There are so many victims of the wars that have been going on for several years and few people seem to take any notice.
The Syrian refugees have lost their families and their homes in the war that is continuing in their homeland.
On Friday our 40 Hour Famine committee, attended the Word Vision Youth Conference which took place at the Vodafone Events Centre. This symposium focused on the Syrian Refugees and how we can make a change in their lives.
Once we entered, we were greeted by friendly smiles and blaring, deafening music. We started off the day by playing ‘paper, scissors, rock’ which got all of us to be rowdy and energized. We then had a game to test our leadership skills. Through this we learnt that leadership is not to be tested. Leadership is taking action and showing the light to our peers. It is not just words.
After morning tea was the moment which hit all of us in our hearts. We listened to three young, inspirational people who never gave up and kept on fighting for their dream, even though there were obstacles in their way.
We then listened to three of the World Vision youth ambassadors who had visited the Syrian refugee camp in Jordan. They told us their experience and how the children and parents feel fortunate to be there instead of being still in the homes they were forced to leave in the Syrian war zone.
In the refugee camp, half of the population are children. Children should not be facing these situations in their lives as they have so much more to accomplish and we need to make sure a better future lies ahead of them.
Because of this, the Sancta Maria College committee members, in term two, will be reaching out to other students to give up something for 40 hours and raise money in order to bring the hope of a better life to our Syrian brothers and sisters on the other side of the world.
To sum up, it was a magnificent experience knowing that young people around the world will be making a difference and helping to unite our world through this year’s World Vision 40 Hour Famine.
Franchesca Fernandez