News Centre

Kaitiakitanga in action during Enviro Week

Kayleigh Pieters

Enviro week took place from Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June to encourage sustainability within the school.

On Monday, the Prefects made banners, where they traced around their hands and wrote a pledge on what they would do to help the environment.

On Tuesday, the Year 7s and 8s participated in chalk art. They drew pictures and messages on the ground in D block around the importance of sustainability.  Furthermore, litter pickers were given out to all the Year 7 and 8 homerooms, to encourage them to pick up litter and students collected moth pods, an invasive pest that grows around plants and kills them, within our school community.  Click this link to find out more.

On Wednesday, the school’s café gave free hot chocolate to all students who brought mugs from home. The aim was to increase students’ awareness of reusable mugs instead of using single-use cups that end up in the landfill.  In addition, we all enjoyed the clothes swap which took place at lunch – in the weeks leading up to Enviro Week, students and families in the school community were encouraged to bring in any good quality clothing they no longer wore, with the intention of having a clothes swap. Students were then encouraged to take any item of clothing they wanted. This encouraged students to think about where their clothes are going after they throw them out as well as encouraging students to thrift/buy clothes second-hand, instead of buying them new.

Thursday was Warm Day. Teachers and students turned off all unnecessary electricity (e.g. lights and heaters) and were encouraged to dress warmly. Soup was also handed out during lunch.

Thank you to the Kaitiaki Committee for managing this week for our school community as well as our Kaitiaki Prefects, Mary Aguirre and Sarah McCormick who put a lot of effort into making this week special.