News Centre

Mānawatia a Matariki

Matariki celebrations were held throughout the school from 24-27 June 2024, culminating in our first ever fundraising dinner we hosted on Thursday evening to help raise money for our new kapa haka uniforms.

Tēnei te mihi nui ki a koutou o Vector – thank you Vector for hosting our kapa haka today who performed as part of Vector’s workplace Matariki celebrations. Our kapa haka received a generous koha to go towards our kapa haka uniforms which we are extremely grateful for.

Kapa haka gave a warming and moving performance for the whole school during Navigation time.

A big kia ora to our staff, student’s & whānau who were able to tautoko our inaugural Sancta Maria College Matariki Dinner. It was a fantastic celebration with delicious kai, great entertainment and company – raising $8600 on the evening.

Thank you to all our kapa haka students and staff who made Matariki week a special occasion for us all.  Mānawatia a Matariki.