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Meet our 2022 Prefects 1: Head Prefects

Daniel Pereira (Year 12)

In this series of articles, we find out about our student leaders, their backgrounds, roles and ambitions. Today we feature our Head Prefects, Paris Stephens and Ethan Rogacion.

Making the school a more welcome and inclusive place and getting students more involved in school life are just some of the many goals that Ethan and Paris wish to achieve as the Head Prefects of 2022.

Both students are truly passionate about the college and are highly involved in the school community, taking part in various areas of school life.

The role of the Head Prefects is to oversee, work with, and support the entire prefect team in delivering their projects to the college.

As Head Prefects, Ethan and Paris liaise with the different portfolio prefects which allows them to connect with the team and better understand their goals. It is also part of their role to communicate with the Deans and the Senior Leadership Team regarding things that they require and what they want to improve on. Head Prefects also help to ensure that all activities and events run smoothly.

Ethan Rogacion

“I wanted to be a prefect because I truly do love our school and our diverse, kind and thoughtful student body” he says. Ethan also believes that though the school is good, it could always be better. He applied for this role as he wanted to make Sancta Maria a place that all students could be proud of.

As a member of the college Big Band, Concert Band and various other music groups, Ethan is very involved in our school’s music department. His favourite subjects are English and Media Studies because he really enjoys learning about our relationship with language, the media we consume, and the broader society.

“My main goal as Head Prefect this year is to ensure that Sancta Maria College is a place that is inclusive and welcoming for all its students, regardless of one’s culture or background”.

Alongside the rest of the prefect team, Ethan wants to see the wellbeing and mental health of the school improve.

Ethan’s advice to anyone thinking about becoming a prefect in the future is to think about the motivations behind aiming for this goal: why do you want to be a prefect? What would you want to do with that position? What positive difference can you make to Sancta Maria College?

He believes that in order to do this, we should do an honest reflection on ourselves to see if we are making the decision based on the right reasons or not. He states that we should all do this whenever making any decision especially when it comes to any leadership responsibilities.

Paris Stephens

“Ever since I heard that there was Head Girl in college, it has been my dream to fill the role,” says Paris.

Paris believes that her leadership journey began when she became a House Captain in her primary school. She believed that becoming a prefect would allow her to further lead and contribute to the school community. Her goals and aspirations to become a prefect were to influence others to be better people and to help improve our school. She wishes to help everyone to reach their full potential, enjoy school life, and for students to take on opportunities with an open mind.

Paris has many hobbies including surf lifesaving, IRB racing, and spending time with her friends at the beach. She also plays winter hockey which she really enjoys too. Additionally, loves animals and it is her dream to become a vet in the future. She enjoys all her subjects but really loves Physical Education Studies, Biology and Physics.

Paris’ goal for this year is to help develop new ideas that prefects have and to get students more involved in the various areas of our school community. She wants to be a role model to the younger years proving that you can do anything: “If you put your mind to it and put in the effort and really try, you can do it!!”

As a word of advice, Paris says that for those who wish to be a prefect in the future, go for it. She describes the role of a prefect as being fun. a learning experience which helps to develop the leadership skills you have and to grow new ones as well.

“As a prefect, you can plan important events, encourage others around you, and provide a friendly face if any other student needs a hand,” Paris says. Paris states that it is an honour and privilege to be chosen as a prefect and it opens so many experiences and opportunities to lead in the school.

Both Ethan and Paris have proven to be exceptional students with a true passion for Sancta Maria College. We look forward to what they bring to the college and congratulate them on their new positions!