News Centre

Meet our 2022 Prefects 8: Service Prefects

Emily Flynn (Year 9)

In this series of articles, we find out about our student leaders, their background, roles, and ambitions. Today we feature our Service Prefects, Kenny Padathiparambil, Thomas George, and Sandra Heruela.

As Service Prefects, they contribute towards the betterment of Sancta Maria College. They lead events for the junior school, assist teachers and other Prefects, help with Mass preparations, and create fantastic opportunities for students to enjoy the best of school life. Kenny says, “Being a Prefect enables me to unleash my true potential as both a leader and a student. Every day there is a new lesson learnt and taught.” Together, they strive to consistently serve others.

Kenny Padathiparambil

A passionate dancer and photographer, Kenny is happiest in traditional Indian wear, and at peace when she connects with Jesus. She is a member of a dance group, the Syro Malabar Youth Mission, that films and posts covers, and attends Kathak-an Indian classical dance form classes. Kenny’s family, Indian culture and faith are a huge part of her life and are important to her.

Kenny wanted to be a Prefect because she felt that “this was an opportunity to evolve as an individual and prepare myself for the real world after leaving high school.” Kenny feels there is “nothing better than being able to serve my school the same way it served me for the past years, raising me to become who I am today.” When she applied, Kenny knew that he would enjoy shaping and improving Sancta Maria College, while maintaining its high standards.

As a Prefect, this year Kenny wants to leave behind a legacy. She states “this means I would like to create opportunities that my younger self never got, encourage younger students to unleash their true potential.” Kenny aims to become a better leader and be closer to the junior school – acting like a guide to help them throughout their high school journey.

Thomas George

Thomas wanted to be a Prefect so he could grow his leadership skills, get to know others better and be a positive role-model for younger students at Sancta Maria College. Thomas says: “Being a service Prefect will help me get involved in most of the opportunities at our school involving other students, not only setting an example for them but getting to know them better as well.”

As a service Prefect, he is responsible for the Mother Teresa Service Program, helping the Deputy Special Character Prefects, and assisting the Stella Maris group.

He is hard-working, determined and has a friendly and welcoming persona. This year, Thomas’s goals as a Prefect are to focus on being a role model by forming stronger connections with others. Thomas wants to make the Stella Maris program something that students can feel enthusiastic about competing in. Thomas also wants to grow his leadership skills through organizing school events to meet new faces and learn new names.

Sandra Heruela

Sandra always looked up to the Prefects as a junior and aspired to have the same opportunity they did when she became a senior student. She also really wanted to be Prefect because they have the power to make a difference and initiate events which she finds really exciting. Stating, “In fact, as Service Prefects, we ideated the Valentine’s Day Hershey’s Kisses for Charity (Tongan Relief 2022) during February this year, which was such a treat to be involved in.”

Sandra’s role is not only to help the school community wherever possible, but to encourage others to do the same. This year, Sandra’s goals are to set up more events for students, create stronger relationships between year groups (specifically seniors and juniors), and to overall enhance the student experience at Sancta Maria College.

As a music lover, Sandra enjoys both listening to music and playing music on her violin. This helps her to relax. Sandra teaches the violin and plays for the Sancta Maria symphonia where she is Concert Master. One of Sandra’s favorite groups to be a part of is the Howick Youth Council, which helps the voices of young people be heard and also organizes events for them to take part in.

We all look forward to what the year ahead brings for Kenny, Thomas, and Sandra, and congratulate them in their role as Service Prefects for 2022!