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Meet our Community Prefects for 2024

Angelica Araos, Danadi Ranasinhe Arachchilage and Tammy-Kay Spinks

Congratulations to our 2024 Community prefects are Aita Ah Wa and Georgia Cuer.

“We became community prefects to give back to others” – this is what motivated the community prefects to become prefects.

We asked them a series of questions and a lot were hard for them to decide on an answer. The sentence we started with was the question “what motivated you to become a prefect?”, we not only learned why they wanted to become prefects, but we learned that both were heavily involved in groups in and outside of the school community.  Friends and community were at the heart of their daily activities.

The next question we asked and possibly the most testing was, “If you would do something to help the world what would you do?” We felt that most people in the world would either say ‘cure cancer or save world hunger’ but Georgia and Aita had unique answers.  They answered with “make everyone feel heard” and “have a sense of identity.”

Thank you to our prefects and we wish you the very best of luck for your year of service to our school.